In high school, I wrote a research paper on the history of firearms (yes, it was back in the day when you could still talk about guns), and I quickly became obsessed with everything concerning firearms, or so I thought. My fascination with firearms led me to delve into the different types of guns used […]
The Modular Holster Adapter: Breaking the lineage of failure
We have been impressed with the overwhelming support for our latest product, the Modular Holster Adapter which made it’s debut in the spring of 2020. Equally surprising has been the volume of emails we have received containing support, praise and questions in regards to the design of the MHA. In the interest of sharing some […]
The “Eye Drop”: Help us support Americans who are blind!
During the first world war, many American veterans were exposed to unimaginable horrors never before witnessed on the battlefield. Chemical agents in the form of Chlorine and Mustard were used extensively, drowning victims in their own fluids and often permanently blinding those lucky enough to survive. Literal millions of artillery shells, mortars, grenades and air-dropped […]
Understanding how we got here in the first place…
Understanding how we got here in the first place. The evolution of firearms design has gone largely unchanged over the last 100 years. Prior to the introduction of pistol grips on semi automatic weapons, there had hardly been any significant changes to firearms design over the last four centuries. Improvements were mostly made to […]
One week down… An open letter of gratitude
Today marks one week of True North Concepts being live, and it couldn’t have been a better week! We are overwhelmed with the level and volume of comments and positivity that our customers have displayed. Many long time fans of the Gripstop have reached out to us, and are very pleased with the small revisions […]
Welcome to True North!
Today is the official launch of True North Concepts, LLC. If you are reading this, thank you for taking the time to stop by and check us out. We’ve been working hard the last few months to assemble the team, map our plan and shoot an azimuth to get us here today! We are proud […]